Dunholme St Chad's Church Of England Primary School

  1. Pupil Zone
  2. Remote Learning
  3. Year 3

Year 3

Please submit all completed work onto Google Classroom or if you cannot access this site then email the class teacher. Alternatively, you can email us work so that we can mark and feedback to the children.  If you have difficulties with Internet connection or devices please speak to the school and we will do our best to support you. 

Setting Up Google Classroom                                                  Adding assignments to Google Classroom

 catherine.ackroyd@dunholme.lincs.sch.uk     suzi.balasz@dunholme.lincs.sch.uk      wendy.roberts@dunholme.lincs.sch.uk 

We are adding the weekly overview of the remote learning to this page as well as to Google Classroom. We have added the whole week of learning so you have flexibility of when it is completed as we know many of you are juggling work and supporting your child. When children have been supported with setting up the lessons, they should be able to access them fairly independently. Any misconceptions or wrong answers will be supported by us when their work is submitted. All resources for the week will be uploaded to Google Classroom.  

Here are some useful guides which will help you. 

Letter to parents                                         Suggested timetable 

Here is the link for the planning for the week. This is also available on Google Classroom. 

Term 4 plans

Weekly planning for the week of 01.03.21

Weekly planning for the week of 22.02.21

Term 3 plans 

Weekly planning for the week of 08.02.21

Weekly planning for the week of 01.02.21

Weekly planning for the week of 25.01.21

Weekly planning for the week of 18.01.21

Weekly planning for the week of 11.01.21

PE ideas                    Learning through drawing ideas

Week beginning 4th January 2021


Please click here to see the maths planning.


Please complete and mark. Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Assessment

                                                Mark Sheet

Remember, you can use spelling frame to revise and learn new year 3 spellings. 


Wednesday 6th: Please watch this video clip of a story we would have been reading this week. 


What did you like about this story? 

Can you retell the story in your own words? 


Thursday 7th: Please watch the video explaining onomatopoeia. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z4mmn39/articles/z8t3g82

Your task is to watch the story 'Escape from Pompeii' again and write down a list of onomatopoeia that would be appropriate for different pages of the book. 

Can you spot any onomatopoeia in the book that has already been used?  

Why do you think onomatopoeia is used in the story? 

 Today, children in school watched this animation after we heard the story on You Tube. Here is the link for you to watch too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dY_3ggKg0Bc

 Friday 8th:

Look at the words written on this word mat. Word Mat

They are calligrams. What do you think a calligram is? This Power Point may help you to understand. Calligram Power Point

Can you write these words, from the story, as a calligram? 

grumble, tumble, down, shake, large, wriggled, flashed, buried. 


Please complete and mark this reading comprehension. Reading Comprehension

Remember to read your own book too. 

Spelling: This week we are launching the termly spelling list. Please click on this link to access the list of spellings. An assignment for this has also been added to Google Classroom for this term. Termly Spelling List: Term 3


Please click here to see the theme planning. You may also want to use the knowledge organiser. Please click here.

Map for theme session 2


Week Beginning 14th December 2020


Please watch and complete one session per day.

Session 1: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/applying-a-range-of-strategies-to-mentally-calculate-addition-64rkgt

Session 2: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/applying-a-range-of-strategies-to-mentally-calculate-subtraction-cthked

Session 3: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/applying-addition-and-subtraction-strategies-within-context-crr32c

Session 4: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/adding-and-subtracting-1000-6ctk2t


Please watch and complete one session per day.

Session 1: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-identify-the-features-of-instructions-cru38r

Session 2: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-investigate-suffixes-er-and-est-suffixes-ccw32d

Session 3: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-explore-being-verbs-6mr68r

Session 4: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-devise-ingredients-for-our-monster-pizza-cdgkcd


This week we are continuing our work on our enterprise project. Please click here for suggested activities.


Session 1: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/exploring-2-beats-in-a-bar-6xk34d


Please complete 30 minutes of exercise a day. 


Please click the link to access the Reading Comprehension:


Sessions 4: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/deriving-new-facts-from-multiplication-facts-64w68c

Session 5: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/linking-place-value-and-multiplication-c4vpct



Week beginning 30th November 


This week in maths we have a mystery to complete. Please read the planning so that you can see how to complete it. 

 extra maths 1.pdfDownload
 extra maths 2.pdfDownload
 maths planning 30 11 20.docxDownload
 mystery of the Christmas party.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

English - This week we will be continuing with the Oak Academy sessions. 

Session 1: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-write-compound-sentences-for-a-non-chronological-report-68w6ad (Compound Sentences) 

Session 2: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-explore-complex-sentences-60t66c (Complex Sentences) 

Session 3: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-investigate-suffixes-more-plurals-6rtpcd (Suffixes) 


Please try to read your own book daily. 


Spelling Frame Rule 24 - Homophones - Make sure you try and understand the meaning of each word so you can use it correctly in your writing. 

This website from BBC Bitesize will help you understand what a homophone is. 


GAPS Lesson

Draw pictures to show the different meaning for each set of homophones OR write different sentences to show the meaning of each homophone. You could focus on 2 homophones a day. 


Please click here for the theme plan


Please click here for the art plan.


https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/exploring-4-beats-in-a-bar-cgwk2t Use this link to access your Oak Academy Lesson. This was popular with lots of you last week. 

Physical Education 

Last week you were very creative with how you had your 30 minutes of exercise a day. If you need some inspiration or support please use the links from last week or from the 'Additional Resources at the bottom of this page. '

Please note that you will have less subjects to complete this week as we are back in school on Thursday. 

Home Learning:

If you have not managed to complete all the sessions this week you may want to use this time to catch up. 

We would also like you to revise your weekly and termly spellings and your multiplication facts. 

For English please can you write a short book review based on the book you are currently reading. The template below may help you. 

Book Review Template 

We will add a home learning assignment on Google Classroom for you to submit your home learning? 

Week beginning 23rd November 


This week we are continuing to look at division. Below you will find the planning for the week and the resources you will need to complete them. 

 extra maths 1.pdfDownload
 extra maths 2.pdfDownload
 maths planning 23 11 20.docxDownload
 maths session 1 answers.pdfDownload
 maths session 1.pdfDownload
 maths session 2 answers.pdfDownload
 maths session 2.pdfDownload
 maths session 3 answers.pdfDownload
 maths session 3.pdfDownload
 Maths session 4 answers.docxDownload
Showing 1-10 of 16


This week we are continuing to look at non-chronological reports. The link below takes you to all the sessions in the unit in case you are further ahead than we have planned. Children should be able to watch and complete the activities in each session independently. 

All sessions


The sessions you need to complete this week are below:

Session one: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-revise-compound-sentences-c4t3jd (To revise compound sentences) 

Session two: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-learn-about-the-portia-spider-6hh3jd (To learn about the portia spider)

Session three: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-develop-a-rich-understanding-of-words-associated-with-the-jungle-part-1-6wu3gt (developing a rich understanding of words associated with the jungle) 

Session four: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-plan-the-first-section-of-a-report-64tkac (To plan the first section of a report) 

Session five: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-write-the-opening-to-a-report-6tjp4r (To write the opening of a report) 


We would like children to watch a Sentence lesson each day. All 5 Sessions can be found by clicking on the link below. 



Weekly Spelling Rule

Weekly Spelling Rule

Don't forget to continue revising your termly spelling list too. The list can still be found on the Year 3 Class Webpage. 

This website nay help you with the spelling rule too https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zt62mnb/articles/z3jpk2p


All children are expected to independently read everyday. It would also be great if they can find time this week complete the comprehension below.

Reading Comprehension - Tigers

Questions and Answers - Please choose the appropriate level of questions and answers. 

Most Challenging

Medium Challenge

Easiest Challenge


Religious Education

We have been learning about God in Hinduism. Please watch the following link https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zt7tfg8

Your task is to write 3 things you have learnt about what Hindus believe about their God and 3 things you have learnt about the importance of Ganesh. 

 Big Question of the week to think about: How can Brahman be everywhere and in everything? 

Physical Education 

It is important to keep active while you are at home. You may do this in anyway you choose and could include exercising in the garden. The following links may help with ideas.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9sciRMnE1c (PE with Joe Wicks)

https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers (Supermovers) 



Please click here for the theme plan


Please click here for the art plan


Please click on the link for your weekly Music lesson https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/understanding-pulse-and-rhythm-chj3cr


Week beginning 16th November 


This week we are looking at division. Below you will find the planning for the week and the resources you will need to complete them. 

 Maths 16 11 20.pdfDownload
 remote learning division problems.pdfDownload
 Remote learning division.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3


Please make sure that you read your own book daily for at least 20 minutes. 

Please complete the comprehension questions found in the link below:

 Elephant reading comprehension



Please click on the Oak Academy Link below which will take you to a unit of work for Year 3 where the children will be taught lessons to help them write a non-chronological report. 

Children should aim to complete at least one of the lessons a day. 


If you are beginning remote learning today, please complete the first two lessons on Non Chronological Reports this week as we  will continue with the lessons next week.

Last week we had been learning about Wolf Spiders in English so if you would like to do additional work please write a paragraph explaining what you have learnt about them. The links below will help remind you of the facts we learnt. 





Weekly Spelling Rule

We will have our weekly spelling test on Friday, as usual. More details to follow. 


The focus for our theme work next week is science. Below you will find the planning for the week and the resources you will need to complete them. There is a little mistake on the matching animals to their skeleton activity. I wonder if you can spot it!

 Science 16 11 20.pdfDownload
 science lesson 1.pdfDownload
 Science lesson 2.pdfDownload
 Science lesson 3.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Anti-bullying week

The week of 16th November is anti-bullying week. We are asking children to draw a sock for odd socks day and to illustrate it with images that show how they are unique. Click here for a template if you wish to take part. You may also draw your own sock if you do not have access to a printer. 


Please look at this PowerPoint and write a short paragraph on Hindu Gods. 

Hindu God PowerPoint


Please use this link and watch the PANTS video. 



Additional Resources 


You are going to write an adventure story. Please clink on the link below for all the information you will need. 

Adventure Story


Spelling Rules 

Children can revise the following spelling rules:

Using contractions such as didn't, shouldn't couldn't 

Adding ed and ing to verbs such as walk, walked, walking 

Adding es to plurals such as churches, brushes 

Year 3 / 4 statutory word list  is on the Year 3 class page. 

As a challenge, you might like to put the words into sentences. 

Helpful activities, with answers, to support spelling. 

Year 3 Spelling rules and activities

In class we were checking that we could spell all the high frequency words as well as learning spelling rules. Click on the link below to check you can spell them all. 

High Frequency Words



Recall of key multiplication facts for the two, five, ten, three, four and eight times tables. 

This might be a useful website to use: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button 

or https://www.multiplication.com/

or https://www.timestables.co.uk/

If you would like to work on some of the maths we have covered this year, this site is very useful: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/

You can work on your knowledge of addition and subtraction. 

Here are some websites which have games you could play:

topmarks.co.uk       ictgames.com                   mathplayground.com

If you want to learn more about money or time then this document may be of some help. Money and Time



Children can read books you have at home. You might like to review the book and tell us what you enjoyed and who your favourite character was. 

An example of a book review can be found here: Book Review Example

 We have been reading Esio Trot in school. You may wish to read some more Roald Dahl books. 

These sites have free books to read online: 





This term, we have been learning about the Stone Age. You could create a picture, write a story or an information text about what we have learnt. 

Theme overview

Origins knowledge organiser 


We have been learning plants. We have learnt about what the different parts of a plant are for and how plants reproduce. 

 This link may be useful: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zy66fg8

You can also use our knowledge organiser to see what we need to learn. 



Children are encouraged to complete thirty minutes of exercise each day. This website might give you some ideas to complete PE inside. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers



Children can watch as appropriate. You might like to reflect on what you have watched.