Dunholme St Chad's Church Of England Primary School

  1. Pupil Zone
  2. Classes
  3. Year 4
  4. Key Resources

Key Resources

Teaching about safeguarding

As a school we are committed to safeguarding children from harm. We want to ensure children are aware of behaviour towards them that is not acceptable and how they can keep themselves safe. Specific examples of this in the Y4 curriculum are:

  • discussing issues of relationships, neglect and abuse through themes in our class novels such as 'Charlie Changes into a Chicken',
  • Understanding self-care and personal hygiene through our science, themed learning and our residential visit
  • An extensive and comprehensive PSHE curriculum.
  • Bespoke class discussions on the School Code of Conduct and Behaviour Policy and about our school and British Values.
As part of the broader curriculum in Year 4 we routinely:
  • Ensure each child knows they must talk to an adult If they are worried about themselves or another person
  • Encourage each child to  identify a named adult/s to talk to if they are worried or somebody is  causing them to be upset or harm them.
  • Remind the class Mrs Appleby, Miss Bradshaw and Mrs Tipping have a special job in school to make sure everyone is safe.

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