Dunholme St Chad's Church Of England Primary School

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  2. Church School
  3. Worship, Reflection and Prayer

Worship, Reflection and Prayer



Worship is an important part of our daily lives and brings us together as a community. It is central to our ethos, vision, values and aims. It is invitational and provides the opportunity for those present to develop their own personal spirituality and relate biblical teaching to our values, reflecting how these can be lived out in our daily lives.

Collective worship is led by a range of people or groups including:

Weekly worship led by Rev Paul

Termly Worship Led by Joy Liddle, Threshold Church

Pupil Led Worship directly relating to a class theme for example

  • Y6 Holocaust Memorial Day
  • Y5 Remembrance Service
  • Y5 Martin Luther-King Day
  • Y3 Windrush Day
  • Celebration Class worship

Collective Worship Policy

Collective Worship Timetable 2022/23 - Our Collective Worship Timetable is a working document and may change if the school community needs a different focus or response at a particular time 

Open the Book

As a school we enjoy welcoming the Open the Book Team who help us to get to know stories from the Bible.  All those present enjoy the retelling and acting out of familiar stories which come to life and enable full participation and engagement. The Open the Book Team help us to think about the story and reflect, often leaving us a question to wonder about.

Staying Connected Friday Celebration Shout-out

We close the week with our Friday Celebration Shout-Out Assembly when we celebrate the achievements of individuals. This is an opportunity for families to join us routinely.

All families receive a copy of our Staying Connected with Friday Celebration Shout-out Click here to view

Worship during the pandemic

During the pandemic there were periods when we couldn’t all be in school. We tried to come together and keep in touch in different ways.

This included adapting how we joined together or provided a focus for reflection through connective E-ssembly Click here to view


Reflection is part of the daily act of worship but can also be class based. Class based reflection enables classes to focus on a Big Question set in collective worship. Each class has a reflection book.


Prayer is central to our life in school. It gives an opportunity:

 to share our lives with God

to say thank you to God

to say sorry

We find it helpful to think about different types of prayer and how they help us to be a praying community.

Prayer Booklet

 In September 2018 we had the opportunity to work with Dr Daphne Whiteoak Senior Lecturer at Bishop Grosseteste University  as part of her research ‘ Praying and prayerful:  community and character in the prayers of primary aged children.’

Dr Daphne Whiteoak’s Research on prayer (September 2018)