Dunholme St Chad's Church Of England Primary School

  1. Pupil Zone
  2. Classes
  3. Year 4
  4. Home Learning

Home Learning

Please email me if you have not received an email from me about setting up your child's Google Classroom. andy.harris@dunholme.lincs.sch.uk

Please see our Google Classroom for your child's weekly homework and spellings.

All homework is set via the Google Classroom on a Friday along with new weekly spellings and weekly times tables facts. 

These tasks should be completed and submitted BY THE FOLLOWING WEDNESDAY. 

Spellings and times tables will be tested on FRIDAYS.

Children should be aiming to read to an adult for at least 10 minutes, 5 times a week. Reading diaries should be handed in every FRIDAY.

We are also learning our 20 words from our statutory word list. Please ensure you spend this term learning these at home as well, some of these might also appear on weekly spelling lists. We will be having a test on all of these 20 words during the final week of the term. 

The words to learn for Term 1 are:

caught, naughty, incomplete, irregular, actual, address, earth, often, learn, group, busy, business, bicycle, fruit, possible, appear, early, continue, arrive, build

The words to learn for Term 2 are:

although, experiment, favourite, heart, imagine, impossible, increase, interest, material, mention, minute, opposite, position, possession, potatoes, promise, question, reposition, though, thought

The words to learn for Term 3 are:

answer, breath, breathe, eight, February, heard, island, knowledge, library, natural, pressure, reign, strange, suppose, therefore, through, unnatural, weight, woman, women

The words to learn for Term 4 are:

Accident, Centre, Century, Certain, Circle, Decide, Different, Difficult, Exercise, Experience, History, Length, Medicine, Notice, Purpose, Recent, Sentence, 

Separate, Special, Strength

The words to learn for Term 5 are:

Calendar, Consider, Describe, Disappear, Extreme, Grammar, Guard, Height, Ordinary, Particular, Peculiar, Popular, Probably, Quarter, Irregular, Remember,

Straight, Surprise, Unordinary, Unpopular

The words to learn for Term 6 are:

Accidentally, actually, believe, Dispossess, Eighth, Enough, Famous, Forward, Guide, Important, Mention, Occasion, Occasionally, Perhaps, Possess, Rebuild,

Regroup, Strange, Various, Incomplete